The Penguin begins a week after the devastating flood in The Batman. Gotham is in ruin, the slums are lawless, old power structures are toppling. But where others see chaos, Oz sees opportunity.
Welcome to The Iceberg Lounge, Oz’s famed nightclub — where the party still rages as hard as the storm outside. Here fans enter Gotham’s underworld in its darkest hour: knocking elbows with Oz’s cronies, witnessing backroom operations, even taking illicit Drops on the dance floor.
It’s SDCC’s hottest invite — and most chilling glimpse into Gotham’s new worst nightmare.
Gotham Ice
Our Slush Puppie truck (an Easter Egg from the show) was parked outside of Comic Con, offering fans a refreshing treat and a chilling surprise— an invite to our Iceberg Lounge Event.
The Descent into Gotham
Once fans arrived at our Iceberg Lounge activation they were escorted down an alleyway that immersed them into the desolate world of Gotham after the flood. Drops paraphernalia, graffiti, and posters signaling Oz’s growing power framed the journey into an immersive faux elevator where fans would descend into the club experience.
The Iceberg Lounge
Once inside the club fans were free to explore all the Iceberg Lounge had to offer. The club was split into four main sections: The lounge, the dancefloor, the drops operation room, and the club within the club.
At the lounge fans were welcomed in and given a complimentary beverage, courtesy of Oz. Next they had the ability to either enter into the dance floor where they could dance and grab Gotham-inspired F&B or enter into a drops operation room where they could interact with our immersive actors.
At each of these first three sections fans would get a secret passcode that granted them access to 44 Below, the club within the club. Here attendees were welcomed into Penguins inner circle, uncovering additional specialty cocktails, a branded photo moment, a cigar roller, airbrush tattoos, and permanent jewelry— all linking them to the new kingpin of Gotham.